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Johny Johny Yes Papa | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Baby Song with Cartoon Town

Duration: 00:49Views: 134.3KLikes: 306Date Created: Nov, 2020

Channel: Baby Big Cheese - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs

Category: Education

Tags: baby songsyes papakids musickindergarten songjony jony yes papakids tvjohny johny yes papajohnny johnny yes papavideositsy bitsy spiderabc songhead shoulders knees & toesjohny yes papanursery rhymesbaa baa black sheephickory dickory dockcars for kidsdodobeerow row row your boatcartoonfive little duckshumpty dumptykids cartoonsanimationno papacartoon townjohny johnychildren songsjack & jilljony jonysongspreschool

Description: Learning is always fun with Cartoon Town popular nursery rhymes. We bring to you some amazing songs for kids to sing along with us and have a good time. Kids will dance, laugh, sing and play along with our videos while they also learn numbers, letters, colors, good habits and more! So come along for an awesome educational fun ride with our wide variety of nursery rhymes songs and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for new videos every week. © 2017 USP Studios Private Limited ====================================================== Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™ Video: Copyright USP Studios™ ======================================================

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